Sunday, 1 November 2020

Your religion is your right, not my command

Tweet by Ex-PM of Malaysia 
after the beheading of a school teacher over a cartoon


Asking me to 'respect' yours or anyone else's 'god' is not just supremacistic, but also impractical. 

Supremacistic because the absence of scientific proof of God, makes me read stories in your religion - as fiction. And with fiction, I entertain myself. How are you allowed to take my right away of twisting this fiction for my pleasure, any more than I can take your right away to laugh at a cobbler in a funny movie. I am a cobbler. 

Impractical because both 'god' and 'respect' are two intangibles. I know someone who prays to plants, another person to animals we kill without a need to, another to fire, and a fourth to the sun, a fifth to a supernatural vibe, a sixth to soil and stones, a seventh to certain symbols that are geometry to some other, a whole other group prays to their PM. All of these are someone's gods. Is it practical to ask no cartoon to feature any of these? 

By this logic, we're all guilty of blasphemy on someone's personal terms. 

I'll fight against damage to people's bodies, their physical property, physically existing ozone layer & air - each scientifically proven to exist. I do not support a fight for perceived damage to a figment of my imagination, or yours.